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Meet the Team - Dave Lawrence

Dave Lawrence, our Service Coordinator, celebrates 5 years at Aspect Scientific this month! Here we find out how his role has developed since he joined us, the challenges he faces, and the solutions he brings to our clients and colleagues.

How long have you worked at Aspect and what’s involved with your day-to-day role?

5 years now, it’s gone by so quickly. My day to day role is the allocation & scheduling of the field service engineers, responding to customer breakdown requests & scheduling routine preventative maintenance for all the equipment we support.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

It’s always busy, there are so many instruments in different types of laboratories to arrange support / service for it’s a never ending process. Also the team of people I work with, the support & help of everyone is always good.

What do you find most challenging and how does the company tackle these challenges?

In my day to day role the only real challenge is the availability of some of the instruments for servicing when they are in constant routine use, there is nothing the company can do to tackle that, we just have to be persistent and well organised, sticking to service schedules to meet the service level agreements in place while also accommodating customer requirements and their workload, to ensure the minimum of disruption while making sure all the work gets done.

“The services we provide certainly benefit healthcare, supporting our wonderful NHS is a great feeling, having recently been on the receiving end of the care & support of the NHS it’s great to be able to help them in any way I can.”

Dave Lawrence Aspect Scientific

How has the company and your role developed over recent years and what has been the impact of this?

The company has certainly developed in the time I’ve been here, we have a lot more engineers, two teams of them now in fact; a dedicated PM/maintenance team & also a field service team, as well as more people in the office, it seems to be growing all time.

My role has developed in as much as I deal with a lot more equipment now & also the have the facility to be able to work from home which has been a great help.

Do you feel the company’s services / products and your role have an impact on healthcare, why and how does this make you feel? 

The services we provide certainly benefit healthcare, supporting our wonderful NHS is a great feeling, having recently been on the receiving end of the care & support of the NHS it’s great to be able to help them in any way I can.